November 2020
I am back in Alcaidesa Marina with Covid 19 being a bring problem everywhere.
Work which has been done since September 2019:
New Sails from Saturn sails.
New battery bank - Four 100 Amp Lithium Batteries
New Alternator for the new battery system
Five new solar panels
New Furlex
New rigging
New navigation lights on mast
New Radio antennae on mast
A lot of money
November 2020.
The weather has been terrible with very strong winds and lots of rain. No boats have been leaving for the Canaries as there is a semi permenant area of really bad weather just outside the Straits of Gibralter
Waiting for a weather window to leave for the Canaries.
All boats were waiting for weeks for a weather window and a small window appeared suddenly at the end of November. It was a risk to take this window as the surrounding weather was very poor. Anyway it took me 7 days to do a six day journey with two days of bad weather and one day of no wind. The last night I entered the north of Teneriffa with a northerly wind pushing me straight down the coast all night. A fantastic sail and in the morning I was at the southern tip of Teneriffa and could see La Gomera??
Spent 7 great days in La Gomera and met a few old friends and a new couple Caspar and Jane. Caught up on my sleep got the outboaard motor going and finished off a bunch of small but important jobs. The rowers left on the 12th December to cross the Atlantic - Tasker Challenge. I also ate very well with some great fish dishes.
Arrived on the 8th of January 2021 and had a great sail down to the quarantine anchorage outside St George's.
As I arrived on a Friday I had to wait until the following Monday for the PCR test. Then it took 4 days so on Thursday afternoon I had the negative result. On Friday I sailed back to Prickly Bay and anchored behind Joe from S/V Hurah. We last saw each other in September 2020 in Alcaidesa Marina. Eventually I left Grenada on the 24th February flying to JFK NY, staying in NY for three nights and flying on with Swiss on the 27th Feb to Zürich. Loads of different forms had to be filled in and two PCR tests undertaken. A real hassle.
During my time in Prickly Bay I went diving with ScubaTech and finished my PADI Advanced Diving quali.
October 2021 and I am back in Grenada. One long flight, 3 PCR tets and 48hrs in quarantine later I am moving tomorrow the 18th October to an apartment in Spice Island Yard.