Stayed in Antigua for Christmas 2015 and waited for the wind to die down.Around the 26th Dec (log is on the boat) left Antigua for St Maartens. Wind still quite high so there wasnt much sleep.Stayed in St Maarten for quite some time then sailed back to Antigua to pick up Daniella via Saba,St Kitts and Monserrat. After Antigua with Daniella sailed back to St Maartens and then after provisioning for the crossing to Europe left St Maarten for Anquilla the BVI and then left from the BVI.
Wizard at the fuelling dock in Virgin Gorda (BVI) on the day we left the Caribbean on the way to the Azores and then on to Europe.
Sailing back from the Caribbean to Portugal via the Azores.
Beginning of May from the B.V.I. (VIrgin Gorda)
27 days later arrivied in Flores (Azores)
A week later arrived in Horta (Azores)
Back to Zürich for three weeks
4th July left Horta for Teceira.
11th July left Teceira
21st July arrived in Portimao, Portugal
Met Jay and Irene plus their grand daughter in Potimao
Waited in Portimao for two weeks.The wind was blowing from the East very hard indeed so no chance of reaching Gibralter.
Left Portimao and arrived in Gibralter two days later.
Stayed in the Alcadaisa marina (Spanish). Very nice marina.
Had to stay in the marina for another 10 days as the wind turmed easterly again.
Finally left and had a slow trip up to Cartaghena. A week in Cartaghena and then set sail for Valencia.
Arrived ca 05th September.
Flew home on the 12th September leaving Wizard in the water.
11th July left Teceira
21st July arrived in Portimao, Portugal
Met Jay and Irene plus their grand daughter in Portimao
Waited in Portimao for two weeks.The wind was blowing from the East very hard indeed so no chance of reaching Gibralter.