Resultate 2 0 2 0 / 2021

01.01.2020Neujahrs-Halbmarathon Schlieren

Nächster Lauf 

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.48.59 1 21.1 +/- 38m 5.10  PODESTPLATZ

Dietiker Neujahrslauf

Nächster Lauf 

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 57.01 3. 12.1 0 4.43  PODESTPLATZ

Nächster Lauf 

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews


The year is 2020 (beginning of March) and we have just entered COVID 19 lockdown. All races have been cancelled and nobody has any idea when we will be racing again. I have injured my left ankle so am trying to get that fixed.


It is now still 2020 (end of July) and the first competition has been able to get off the ground - Swissalpine-

I am still injured but the ankle is a bit better. There are two races on Sept 6th so I will choose between the Zürich Marathon ( or the 10K race) or the half marathon with Victor Röthlin. I ran just over 16k,s today at 1.39 in training so will now work on this figure. Fingers crossed.

                                                      Sarnen Marathon Light

Nächster Lauf Sarnen Marathon Light

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.48.38 4. 21.1   5.08  

                                                                 Hallwilersee Lauf

Nächster Lauf Hallwilersee Lauf

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.47.42 4. 21.1   5.06  

It is now the end of October and we are in a partial lockdown again. Looks like there will be no more races this year. I am packed and ready to go to the boat in Spain but they have even a more severe lockdown in place at least until the 9th November.So, my bags are packed and waiting but all I am doing at the moment is changing my departure flights all the time.


It is now the 31st July 2021 and I have been back home since the beginning of March. Until recently Covid 19 rules have not allowed any races so I have been training on my own. Recently the regulations were relaxed and I have entered for the 23k Swiss Alpine run (26th July 2021) and several other races before my planned departure back to Grenada in the middle of October 2021. The weather to date has been pretty bad here with loads and loads of rain.


                                                      Swiss Alpine K23

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 2.59.01,2 3. 23.6 +631/-279 7.35  PODESTPLATZ !

06.08.2021   Märchler Abendlauf, Wägital

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.05.05 7. 12.80 +/- 50 5.05  

15.08.2021  Engadiner Sommerlauf/Muragl-Lauf, St. Moritz

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 2.54.55 5. 25.50 +365 /-401 6.52  

21.08.2021 Kerzers Lauf

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.58.40 5. 14.10 +- /120 6.12  

05.09.2021 Switzerland Marathon Light Sarnen

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.58.40 5. 21.1 +- /190 5.37  

03.10.2021 Sihltaler Frühlingslauf, Gattikon

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 52.44 2. 10.00 +- /120 5.16  Podestplatz

                                                                 Hallwilersee Lauf

Name Zeit  Rang AK Distanz HM Schnitt Bemerkungen

John  Andrews

 1.59.03 7. 21.1 +/- 50m 5.39  


Back from the boat in late March 2022 and have started training again.